
Our 国际业务 students don't look down: they look ahead. 的y charge into the world head-on with skills to guide a corporate expansion in Asia or turn a local business into an international success.

这需要很强的道德感, 对文化的深刻尊重, the skills to lead in our ever-changing global economy. 在分, 你得到一个大胆的, 和广泛的, business education that lets you explore and contribute to world economics.

我们的毕业生工作 约翰迪尔建筑林业部,美国.S. 国防部, 罗克韦尔国际, 职业教育协会, 华特迪士尼世界, 和其他人.


  • 让自己沉浸在全球经济中
  • 扩张性教育:国内外
  • 学会驾驭经济 & 时事




You see the world as unlimited in potential, we see that in you, 太. We recognize your knack for business and your drive to understand the world and its economies – and how you want to contribute. 在圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app, 课程培养你的技能和能力, our faculty encourage and support your goals on campus and abroad.

See our 国际业务 Major Fact Sheet (pdf)

More 信息rmation on the 国际业务 Program


Our curriculum spans the breadth and depth of global topics, 跨文化管理, essential foundations of courses in management, 金融, 和经济学.

You are encouraged to delve deeper into topics of interest, 跨领域整合, 参与实时项目.

All full-time faculty have PhDs and share their professional expertise and experiences you know that what you learn and how you apply it matters in the real world.

的n, we push you past textbooks and classroom discussions. 国际业务 majors spend eight weeks or more immersed in 出国留学. Or, do a shorter trip and complete a 50-hour service project working with immigrants or a 50-hour international business internship.


的 南澳大学商学院 has deep ties with worldwide corporations such as Deere & Co., 通力, 亲爱的, as well as with local companies and entrepreneurs who seek professionals who can grow and initiate change in our global economy. With those connections, you have exceptional opportunities for networking, internships, jobs.


You've heard people say it before: "College will be the greatest time of your life!" With 出国留学, you can add even more to your college years.

You can study in another country in a semester-long or short-term 出国留学 program (with a few offered during spring and winterim breaks). 不管持续多久, these trips deepen your professional education while earning credit toward graduation.

的re are also opportunities through an exchange program, an overseas internship, or volunteering. 的 limits for 出国留学 are only ones you set for yourself! SAU学生在意大利学习, 哥斯达黎加, 澳大利亚, 韩国, 联合王国, 西班牙, 厄瓜多尔, 日本, 德国, 秘鲁, 塞浦路斯, 克罗地亚, 伯利兹, 加拿大, 智利, 和更多的.

SAU students returning from their 出国留学 locations talk about their time away as life-changing – personally, 在情感上, 在文化上, 和学术.

点击这里搜索我们的留学项目, 一般信息请点击这里.


Our graduates usually move well beyond entry-level positions due to their deep knowledge of international customs, 外交政策等. Career opportunities include international marketing specialist, 顾问, 工作分析, 以及产品经理.

这是额外的好处. 的 skills you gain as an 国际业务 major are highly valued within other job sectors, 太, 包括银行, 制造业, 运输, 零售, 热情好客, 和娱乐. 

Most of our graduates have no problem finding their dream job. 最近的一项调查显示,96%的人 南澳大学商学院 毕业生有全职或兼职工作, 在研究生院, 继续他们的教育, 或者当时没有找工作.


If service is included in your future plans, we one of few universities in Iowa offering 和平队预备, a program that can make you a stronger candidate for volunteer positions within the 和平队 or other service programs. You'll gain skills and a cultural worldview that employers value and best of all, most students can earn the certificate – awarded by the 和平队 -不需要额外的课程.

Click here to learn more or talk to your faculty advisor.

  • Austin Slater '15 is a Human Resource Generalist at Hammond-Henry Hospital in Geneseo. At galaxy银河娱乐场app, Austin 太k advantage of the growing 出国留学 program at galaxy银河娱乐场app. 他去了日本、意大利和巴西.
  • Patricia Tracy '15 is an 国际 Marketing Intern at Tripp Lite in Chicago.
  • Phil Reges '08 is Director of Operations at CRST 国际.


Bachelor of Arts Degree in 国际业务

ACCT 202会计原则2
FNCE 300金融学原理
INTL 400 国际 Experiential Portfolio (1 credit)
MATH 191/STBE 137 Quantitative Reasoning in Business
MGMT 449战略管理 & 政策
MKTG 209市场学原理
MKTG 349国际营销
PHIL 305商业道德
STBE 237商业和经济统计

Political and Regulatory Environment (take one):
PSCI 309国际政治
PSCI 316国际法
PSCI 319 Globalization Democracy and Human Rights


Plus foreign language competence to the equivalent of the 202-level

Click to read course Descriptions for 国际业务


This is the suggested plan of study to graduate in four years with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 国际业务.

This plan assumes the student has not taken three years of foreign language in high school.

Year One

STBE 137 3 经济202 3
管理210 3 选修 3
ENGL 101作文 3 COMM 203人际沟通 3
西奥100 - 200 3 菲尔- 100 - 200 3
人文学科 3 ACCT 201 1
NSS 1 IL 101信息
总计 16 总计 16

Year Two

经济201 3 STBE 237 3
汽车201年 3 选修课 6
MKTG 209 3 FNCE 300 3
的活动 1 金149 1
外语101 3 外语102 3
ACCT 202 3
总计 16 总计 16

Year Three

跨文化商业 3 国际语言选修课/外语 3
选修/外语 3 MKTG 349国际营销 3
INTL选修 3 人文学科 3
自然科学 3 菲尔/西奥选修 3
创造性的艺术 3
INTL 400 1
总计 16 总计 12

Year Four

全球供应链物流 3 国际370国际现场经验 3
国际经济学 3 WI-MGMT 449策略管理 3
选修课 9 选修课 7
总计 15 总计 13

WI =写密集型


Intl 372, MKTG 349, econ 202, MGMT 353

从以下选项中选择一个: PSCI 309, 316或319

从以下选项中选择一个: COMM 340, HIST 211, 217,或IS 310

Tony Villasenor 11届,13届MBA

Tony's drive to discover and experience the world 太k root at St. galaxy银河娱乐场app. While working on undergraduate degrees in 国际业务 and Spanish, 他被要求出国留学. 托尼选择了巴塞罗那. “这是一学期的旅行. 一开始,我以为会太长. 最后,它太短了,”他说. "I love learning, learning where people come from, about their culture and experiences. Being able to relate to people from all over the world has really propelled my career."



会计文学士, 国际业务, 和神学,位于锡达敦的HNI公司的成本会计, 乔治亚州,2015届毕业生

When Katie talks about her Ambrosian experience she describes a community that values academics, 专业, 精神生活, 个人成长. 与我们, you will get an education rooted in the liberal arts and Catholic Intellectual Tradition, so many opportunities to discover your path in life.


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518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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